Wednesday, February 25, 2009

God Bless Texas...

It was just another typical day here. The sun was shining in a cloudless blue sky. It was very warm,about 85 degrees, with just enough breeze to keep you cool but also quite enough to stir up the dry, dead grass and grey-black sand. The kids were all barefoot outside, striated with red, orange and purple lines on their arms and legs from delectable, sticky popsicles, long-ago devoured. Sarah and I sat under the quiet whirring of the ceiling fan enjoying an ice-cold glass of Pinot Grigio and listening to the rhythmic sound of the back door...banging open, slamming shut, banging open, slamming shut. We watched through the paned glass windows the endless parade of princesses, football stars, army men, superheroes, vikings, knights and villains as our children came in again and again for necessary costume changes emanating from the progressive dramatic storyline taking place outdoors. There were breaks for drinks, snacks, tattling, resolutions, apologies and the potty and then the action would resume. The filthy finger and toenails were a testament to the potions and concoctions being invented by the thespians and to the bare feet of all 8 kids. Yes, this was just another typical day among great friends...except for one tiny minute is FEBRUARY!!
God Bless Texas!

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