Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ready, set....SANTA!!

The big day is here! It is Christmas Eve...time for celebration. The gingerbread cookies are ready (thanks, Mimi!), all the groceries are bought, and most of the presents are wrapped (Mom's got to get busy instead of blogging all the time). Now we just have to keep the kids in one piece (one peace could apply here as well) until church this afternoon, dinner tonight and bedtime. We will feed the reindeer (you can't forget Rudolph!), put cookies and milk out for Santa (although silly Daddy keeps trying to tell the kids that Santa likes a little bourbon, neat) and then it is time for the traditional reading of that old Christmas classic. Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse (better not be, that is what the crazy cat is for). The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nick soon would be there. The kiddies are nestled all snug in their beds while visions of Nintendo DS's dance in their heads (let's face it, our kids don't even understand what sugarplums are, not sure I do either). And Pa in his Texas Santa hat and I in my big brown cloud (fleece to all of you) will just settle our brains for a quite short winter's nap (remember, our kids are up pre-dawn on a regular day, forget it on Christmas). And so the story will go. Merry Christmas to all!!!!

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