Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wonders never cease....

Today being Christmas Eve, one might think this entry is about the wonder of Christmas....the magic of Santa....the gift of our Savior. No. I have been thinking about all of those things this morning, but no, this entry is about an all together different wonder....the wonder of the almighty dollar. It occured to me a short while ago that Annie didn't have any nice tights to wear to church later today, nor did she have any appropriate shoes for the occasion. Her electric blue ballet flats just didn't go with Christmas plaid (go figure). So, although the last time I was there I swore I wouldn't step foot back inside until after Christmas, it was off to Super Target I went, with Will and Sam in tow. I guess that's what you get for swearing. Oh well, at least I remembered now instead of at 3:00 when it was time to go...but I digress. The store was crowded as you might expect; however, I was pleasantly surprised by, well, the pleasantness. There was no shoving, no cursing, no shouting at poor store clerks because they were out of that much needed item. No, people were courteous and kind and just plain nice. People were smiling and laughing and seemed to be full of the Christmas spirit. As was I, until....I saw it. Huge and ugly and right there in front of full view of everyone in the store...just mocking the day of Christmas Eve. There it was....a Valentine's Day display. AUGH!!! (as Charlie Brown would say). And then, to make matters worse, as if I should be buying Valentine's Day paraphenalia on Christmas Eve, right next to it was a huge display of....beach towels!! Now, I'll give ya that it is about 60 degrees here right now, beautiful sunny skies, and not really a Norman Rockwell, picture postcard Christmas outside, but hey, it's Texas, what can I say. 60 degree temps or not, beach towels don't scream Christmas, and neither do pink and red hearts. Oh well, I guess I should be grateful for the lovely attitude of all of us last-minute shoppers, gathering together in the spirit of the season, buying tights and celebrating the wonder of Christmas!

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