Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Free falling

Spoiler alert: Jack is fine. So don't get excited.

The story (long, made short): Jack learned the hard way the correct way to exit a tree at seven feet height is not to fall on one's face and use a concrete paving stone for a landing pad. Yep, our monkey executed a less-than-perfect dismount of a neighbor's tree, finding one branch with the back of his head on the way down, and landing on his face on a concrete block. (I think he gets his grace and style from me.) Needless to say, this impact was not good for his coordination, memory or speech, which created a few scary moments.

After our neighborhood rallied 'round and took over care of the other kiddos (thanks to Ginger
and everyone else who played the kid shuffle game this afternoon!), Cat hitched a ride with Sarah (thanks!) to Presby (hi, Dr. Shah!) where Jack got a CAT scan and a diagnosis of a concussion. Jack was super brave the entire time--as was Cat--and ended walking out of the hospital on his own power, in fact he was goofing around pretending to fall down the steps on the way to the car!

When we finally made it to the car, the irony of the song on the radio when we turned on the car struck me as funny: it was Tom Petty singing "Free Falling."