Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sammy!

Five years ago today, Sam Hutton made his surprise entry into our lives--well, we knew he was coming, just not that day and definitely not the way he came!

It was as if he was saying, "I will not be ignored!"

Sam is growing up so fast--and if you see him, please wish our Sam monkey
Happy Birthday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


On Thanksgiving morning, I ran in my first Turkey Trot. Eight miles--farther than I'd ever run at one time before. I was lucky to start the very chilly run with a fun group: David, Allison and Angela.

I found myself alone by mile 5, which was a very tough mile. However, right after the turnaround point headed to the marker for mile 6, I saw a wonderful sight: my family, cheering me on. I was greeted with very loud cheers and awesome homemade signs.

This was the front of Will's sign: "You can Doo it Dad."
Luckily, at that point in the run, I just needed to pee.

This was the back of Will's sign.
Made me feel a little like Forrest Gump!

This was Jack's sign.
"Go Ames" -- I think he knew I couldn't chase him down at that point in the race!

All of the kids were very concerned before the race about whether or not I would win--they were sweetly convinced that I would win--at the end I think that we all were just glad that I finished in one piece!

And this was Annie's sign. Very creative!

Sam's sign contained secret messages that only he and I can decode.

All of this said, I was reminded on Thanksgiving, as I rounded the turn and saw my family waiting for me on the race route, cheering and waving their signs, how thankful I am to have such a wonderful family that supports me and loves me. I am truly blessed by my family and I appreciate all that they do to lift me up and love me! Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Be on the lookout...

If you are out on the soccer fields (as we always are this time of year), be on the lookout for.......

Lightning Sam!!!

He's fast, he's purple, his tongue is sticking out (his secret weapon)'s Lightning Sam!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Busy, busy, busy....

...should be our family mantra! Yet I'm always talking about cutting back and taking it easy, saying no and just chilling out. Is that even possible with four kids? Anyway, here is a little more of what we've been up to this fall.....

Will joined an elite and prestigious club....hey there toothless Joe!

Halloween was a little scary this year! Yikes, what happened to fairy princesses and football players! :)

....and then it got scarier!

And then even scarier!!! Sorry I blocked you with my "Y", babe. Guess I got caught up in the moment....or maybe I was distracted by the short shorts...raowr! :)

The annual Kindergarten trip to the Arboretum...and a cute photo op for Willie G and me!

More to come....

School Daze....

It has been years since I posted anything...well maybe not years but a really, really long time. So much has transpired since then that it just makes sense to start fresh. The fall has flown by at lightning speed...I'm convinced October is the shortest month of the year! And, as we quickly approach Thanksgiving next week, I thought I'd share the things I'm most thankful for!

I can't believe I have 3 in school! They love it and that makes me a happy mama!

...and our future seahawk will be there next fall! (hopefully not wearing those socks!)

Could they get any dirtier!! God bless Oxy Clean!

My baby girl...not so little anymore! Wow she is growing up fast....but isn't she breathtaking!

Last but not least, I am truly thankful for their awesome daddy! You rock, babe!

WOW it's a crazy, busy, roller-coaster of a much to be thankful for!

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Love

How cool to see what the world can do if we all work together.

Playing For Change | Song Around The World "One Love" from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Neighborhood Patrol

Anyone who drives down our street knows that you have to watch out for our Neighborhood Patrol. They're kinda like the White Rock Valley version of the A-Team. Here is the resplendent younger contingent of that group,
in all their glory:

Watch out, folks, or the Neighborhood Patrol will getcha!
PS: I love the fact that Reed has got his 'Horns up
in preparation for the big game this weekend!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Free falling

Spoiler alert: Jack is fine. So don't get excited.

The story (long, made short): Jack learned the hard way the correct way to exit a tree at seven feet height is not to fall on one's face and use a concrete paving stone for a landing pad. Yep, our monkey executed a less-than-perfect dismount of a neighbor's tree, finding one branch with the back of his head on the way down, and landing on his face on a concrete block. (I think he gets his grace and style from me.) Needless to say, this impact was not good for his coordination, memory or speech, which created a few scary moments.

After our neighborhood rallied 'round and took over care of the other kiddos (thanks to Ginger
and everyone else who played the kid shuffle game this afternoon!), Cat hitched a ride with Sarah (thanks!) to Presby (hi, Dr. Shah!) where Jack got a CAT scan and a diagnosis of a concussion. Jack was super brave the entire time--as was Cat--and ended walking out of the hospital on his own power, in fact he was goofing around pretending to fall down the steps on the way to the car!

When we finally made it to the car, the irony of the song on the radio when we turned on the car struck me as funny: it was Tom Petty singing "Free Falling."

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I stand correctly.

Most days, it is all we can do to make it through the day relatively sane and out of CPS scrutiny. It can be hard at times to enjoy, much less remember, the multitude of silly and funny things that the kids say every day. However, some of the gems do tend to stand out, like this one from last night:

The big kids were 'pendin' the night with Mimi and Big Mike, so both boys had a much more open stage at the dinner table and a less divided audience. Well into dinner, I notice Will giving me a very funny look--kinda googly, semi-cross-eyed, with a goofy face that only Will can pull off. I ask him what he's doing, and he responds "I'm giving you my interlastic stare."

Trying not to giggle, I ask Will, "What is an interlastic stare? I've never heard of that."

He continues to goggle at me for a few seconds, then straightens himself up and says with a straight face and (mock) dignity: "I stand correctly."

Needless to say, that is a new Hutton family saying.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Signs of Life

Well, we are more than halfway through Annie's first week at Pine Cove. It's amazing to think of how much fun she is having, and that is what is keeping all of us going because she is sorely missed at home! A very sweet letter (the first!) arrived this morning, and it sounds like she's having a great time.

Fortunately (thank you technology), we knew already that she was having a blast, because Pine Cove allows us to peek into the camp experience a little by posting pictures of the campers here. (Choose Towers, Week 9, and then a day to peruse.) Some of the Annie pics are...

Annie in the car heading into camp through the counselor gauntlet

Annie's counselor, Skrat Splat (her real name is Gracie!)

Annie's cabin

Annie and friends in camo

It doesn't look like the rain has slowed them down at all
What a great surprise it was to see that Mary Shannon and her Houston friend were also in Annie's cabin!

Two more days until we pick up the girl. Can't wait to see her!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Roughriders (Alt. hed.: Sarah G. is jealous)

Last Friday, I took Annie and Sam to the Frisco Roughriders game. We had a blast. There were hot dogs, cotton candy, Dippin Dots, and soft drinks galore. The park was very nice and they really try hard to make it a fun family atmosphere. Annie and Sam really liked the Diaper Derby, Sneaker Scramble, and the antics of the mascot. We also had the chance to meet a few folks from WFAA, Channel 8 at the game. We met Pete Delkus, Cynthia Izzaguirrrrrrre, and Chris Flanagan, and the kids had their picture taken with them! Link to the picture on the WFAA website is here.

Sarah G. was quite jealous that we got to meet her weatherman crush, Pete, at the game. Since she was sick, we got an autographed ticket stub to bring home to her! Pete was funny. When I explained that the autograph was for our neighbor who had a crush on him, he immediately asked "How big is he?"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Will!

Big Willie Hutton turned 6 today! Wish this growing boy a happy birthday, especially if you see him out on his new bike!

Just stay out of his way!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Galveston remote blogging: night 1 and day 2

Oy vey. Looking back at what I posted yesterday evening, in light of last night's events, I feel bad for ever suggesting that my eldest child and most precious daughter may have been left by the road yesterday. Long story short, dear Annie was riding her scooter and fell, breaking her right arm. (A new one for us as she's broken her left arm twice, but not her right. Hi, Dr. Sackett!) So that entailed a LONG trip back into Galveston for Cathy and Annie last night to get a dubiously applied splint, which is covered by the plastic bag you see here:

In any event, it sounds like everyone is making the best of the day, and I've seen some evidence of that... Jack prowling in the shallows...

...and Will building a sand castle empire...

...and Sam asking, "Where's da beach?"

It looks like Mary Shannon and Annie are having a good time at the beach!

And this alleviates my concerns from last night and confirms that Will Tompson is still being taken care of well!

Here are all six of the big kids out in the water:

I'm headed down tomorrow! Yippee!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Remote Semi-Live Blogging from Galveston

Well, bright and early this morning I waved goodbye to Cat and the kids as they headed south to Galveston. The trusty family wagon including a borrowed roof top cargo carrier (thanks, Karl!) was filled with beach toys, scooters, fishing poles, swimsuits, and food for our family and the Tompsons of Houston for the next five days.

(Quick aside: as I was helping Cat pack last night, I commented that I didn't think that the 3 bottles of wine she was taking would be enough for 5 days at the beach. Her response? "Valerie is bringing 4 more, and you boys are on your own to get beer." So I think they'll be well provisioned [I typed and then quickly deleted "lubricated" because I know the type of person that reads this blog] in that respect this week.)

Anyhoo, Cat has been kind enough to update me with periodic notes and pics from the trip. They've made it safely to the house, which sounds great, and I can't wait to join them. In any event, here's the day as I've experienced it vicariously via text and e-mail:

11:15 am -- I assist in the search for a Redbox in The Woodlands in which to return a movie, as well as a McDonalds for lunch. (There's one at Exit 69 in Spring off I-45, by the way.) Thank you, Google.

1:08 pm -- "Leaving houston headed to big g." The renovations to the Tompson house are reputed to be "Awesome."

2:17 pm -- "On island not to house yet. Passed place we stayed [Spring Break 2008 with Barbara]. Still there."

2:55 pm -- "The bridge in the background is the beach. Pretty awesome."

You can barely see Sam in the lower right corner of the picture sprinting toward some unknown thrill/dangerous condition. Looks like fun.

3:17 pm -- "View from our upper balcony."

I sure hope Will Tompson survives this trip.

3:22 pm -- "I forgot the pkg of steak seasoning. It is in the spice cab. Please bring it for grill nite."

[Yes, I am happy to make a 280 mile trip to deliver spices. Try me.]

[At this point, Cat ignores my very pertinent question of whether they have had their first bottle of wine yet.]

4:49 pm -- "In the 1st 5 minutes Rach got a crab and Jack found a shark skull. Nice."

Curiously, I have not seen any pictures of my eldest child in Galveston. I'm wondering if she's currently locked in the roof top cargo carrier or if she made the entire tri? There may be a band of Gypsies out somewhere on I-45 with a new daughter/scullery maid/laundry wench. Good luck to them.

Now (roughly 6:00 pm) they were headed to the resort for the swimming pool and some dinner. Sounds like they are having a blast! Can't wait to get down there and join them!

Friday, June 26, 2009

I think I saw...

Driving down Central earlier this week, I could have sworn I saw David W. Harper in a white convertible whipping through traffic. Who? This kid from Fletch.

(Now in fairness, it was a Miata and he didn't have Chevy Chase with him, but it looked like him!)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Magic Fingers

When I was a kid, my family traveled everywhere by car. Vacations were roadtrips, and the journey was often just as important as the destination. I don't remember staying in big chain hotels on the road--or maybe we did and I don't remember--but I do remember the one night we stayed in a Holiday Inn in a little town, and when we returned from dinner, the marquee outside said something to the effect of "Welcome to the Hutton Family of Dallas!"

In any event, I do have very specific memories of staying in motels back in the 70's and 80's that had that quintessential weary traveler's aid: Magic Fingers. I remember that Laura and I would beg our parents for quarters to plug into the machine for fifteen minutes of "tingling relaxation and ease." So it was with great nostalgia and sadness that I read of the passing this morning of the inventor of Magic Fingers, John Joseph Houghtaling.

Now if only I could convince Cathy that we needed a Magic Fingers for our bed at home...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Renewing a Hutton tradition...?

Jack has just finished a week's worth of wrestling camp at Lake Highlands HS with Coach Pete Grieder. He had a fantastic time, thanks to Coach Grieder and the LH wrestlers who helped out at the camp.

He's said that he's interested in the wrestling club in the fall. If he keeps with it, great. If not, that's OK too. But I'm hoping that maybe one out of three boys will like wrestling! (No, Annie doesn't get the choice to like wrestling, except as a spectator!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Catching up

So lessee...we haven't really posted a substantive item in months. We've only:
-- taken a Spring Break road trip (that we teased but didn't actually recap)
-- started and finished soccer season for all the kids
-- gotten a dog
-- survived 2 reach projects
-- gone to Lexington, VA for Ames' 15 year college reunion
-- celebrated Will's preschool graduation
-- enjoyed another talent show
-- started and almost finished Jack's baseball season
-- hosted a "buzz party" on the last day of school.

In no particular order, we'll try to hit the high points of some of those in the coming days/weeks. But for now, enjoy our Saturday routine: With 8:30 Saturday morning baseball games for our slugger Jack, we typically get donuts for the kids but the grownups seldom get enough breakfast for the day. So we head down to our new favorite taco joint, which is ironically enough named The Taco Joint, and fill up on the Austin-inspired grub. Good stuff. And it's not just the adults who enjoy it...

And the owner Cory gave Jack a free drink for a good baseball game! Cool place, we'll be headed back soon! So and check it out...

Friday, May 15, 2009

You'd think we have a boring life...

...if all you knew about us is what we blog. Geez, we've fallen off the blogging wagon. There are so many things we've neglected to address here. For a blog that started out because of our recounting our summer trip last year, you'd think that we would have written about our super Spring Break driving trip...but alas, we havent'. We've ignored getting a new dog (hi Abita!) and the challenges and fun entailed with her, berry picking, the fantastic REACH projects that Annie and Jack did last month, Easter, the grownups' trip to Lexington, and many other fun things from our recent past. Cathy recently commented that May is just as crazy as December, with all of the end of school events, recitals, talent shows, projects, parties, as well as the swimming lessons and other activities that start with summer approaching. It's been kinda nuts--mostly in a good way--and I will do my part to get back on the blogging wagon and get this back and going again. With a vengeance. So sit tight, and we'll get something substantive up soon. Now if only we could get Sarah to start blogging regularly again...

I didn't know we had one of those...

The boys were helping me find something in the pantry tonight. I asked them where it was, and Jack (always reading labels) says, "It's right there behind the 'Extra Virgin.'" I just about snorted beer out my nose.

PS: Jack has also been saying all week that the Talent Show (which totally rocked!) was going to be at the "Refreshment Center." (Not the Freshman Center)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Can the Rangers' Season End Immediately?

The Rangers are winning 4-0 in the 3rd against last year's Cy Young winner. This season will not get better than right now. Can we end the season immediately?

UPDATE: It's now 7-0 in the 7th. But I feel the same way--put us out of our misery now before we get our hopes up!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday Math

4 soccer games + 3 cold beers + 2 derby cars = 1 tired dad.
I fell asleep watching Braveheart--a good sign I should be in bed!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Amazon contest--will you help my friend?

One of my W&L classmates, Sarah Smith Chapman, is a quarter finalist in's Breakthrough Novel Award Contest for her novel "Others May Die" - a thriller about a girl and her search dog who get embroiled in the hunt for a serial killer.

Sarah's novel was chosen from among thousands of entries. And now the more people who download an excerpt from the novel and give it a positive review, the better the chance Sarah has to make it to the semifinals.

So here's what you can do:

1)DOWNLOAD the excerpt for free by going to this link on Amazon.
2)RATE the excerpt and give it a positive review. Not hard to do, as it is excellent!

The deadline is April 15. Thanks for helping Sarah out!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cutting down the nets

I found this funny this morning: I was watching SportsCenter after my run, and Jack came in about 6:45 and started watching with me. They were showing UConn (I think) cutting down the nets after their regional final. Jack was concerned about this and asked why, and I told him it was a ceremony for the winners and was kind of a trophy for the winning players. He thought about it for a while and then asked, "But do they have more nets to put up?" I kept my giggles internal and told him, yes, they can replace the nets.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yet another milestone...

...has taken place in the Hutton house today. Jack came running in just before bedtime to tell me something "so totally cool." "Look, Mom, what I just learned...." he says. I'm thinking of all the amazing things it could be and was somewhat taken aback when he says.... "I can make fart sounds under my arm. All my friends can do it and now I can too. It is so totally cool. Everyone was arm farting at Graham's birthday but I didn't know how." ('to arm fart' - another new entry to put in the dictionary)
And so we have marked yet another important watershed moment in the life of a young boy...arm farts.
His Uncle Sambo, Uncle Andy and Uncle Jason will be sooooo proud! Somehow I am envisioning arm fart Christmas carols in our yuletide future this year!

Oh, and by the way, there really was another milestone. Jack has a lovely "window" in the front of his mouth....

What a (handsome) ham!!

Tonight... 7 year old son Jack consumed for dinner:
2 large pancakes
2 fried eggs
6 slices bacon
2 apple slices
1 glass of milk

Tonight's bedtime prayer will go something like this....

"Dear God,
We are no longer worried about paying for college. Please help us to pay for the emormous amounts of food it will take to feed three boys (and all their friends who hang out here). Bless us with a larger refrigerator, full-sized freezer, and a lifetime membership to Sam's.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Techno-Challenge (alt. title, "Being Dragged Kicking and Screaming into the 21st Century")

This morning I was sitting in front of ESPN Sports Center after my run, and Annie came in to join me for a little snuggle and quiet time. She was paying attention to what was on the TV--I was so proud when she identified Mike and Mike as the radio show I listen to in the mornings on the way to school--and eventually asked me, in response to something she saw, "What is Twitter?"

I struggled to explain it, because I don't really understand it myself, but finally came up with an explanation that satisfied Annie but not me: it's like a lot of little blogs that describe what people are doing throughout the day. Since I recognize that she and the boys will soon surpass my technological know-how*, I figured that I need to try to keep ahead of her, at least while she's in elementary school! So today I tried Twitter for the first time. Will be an experiment--I've not been so good recently with the blog, will see if Twitter is any easier or if it is more trouble than it's worth.

* I had to laugh earlier this week when a mom I know was trying to find her husband's e-mail address on her iPhone, and she ended up handing it to her 3rd grader for help! That day is coming for all of us!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Boys will be boys...

After 4 days in the car with a moody (seriously, is it time for that) and very disgruntled tween, I decided that God knew exactly what he was doing when he gave me 1 girl and 3 boys. Boys are easy. They eat, they sleep, they fight, they move on. Now girls, a completely different story. The gosh the drama. And the sass!!! And the attitude...and all of this from a 9 year old!!! I mean, we are not even dealing with a teenager yet Lord help me! So boys seem so much easier...unless it is the day after a long road trip and you are tired and they are tired and everyone has a vacation hangover. Then, boys are impossible. The fights turn ugly and tears start to flow. The whining is unbelievable and the pestering intolerable. There is one thing that remains constant, though, no matter the circumstances...and that is that boys will always be...boys. Today for instance, with my patience at an all time low and my frustration at an all time high, Will chooses to make some very bad choices. Namely, he decides to pee in the outdoor toy box. Why, you might ask? I, too, asked that question. Why Will? Why? The answer..."I dunno, because I can. You always let us pee outside." Yes, outside, on the side of the house near the fence if you just can't make it inside...but not in the toy box....gross!!! This just weeks after he decided to pee down the slide...also gross. And all of this during a time when he just can't seem to keep his hands off his privates!!!! I mean really! So on our first day home from vacation, our day of rest and rejuvenation, here is the short list of all that took place... bowling, inappropriate peeing, snake skin discovery, live snake discovery, bike rides, bike crashes, mud pits, spit balls, scooter races, friends over, football games, a picnic lunch, a lost tooth and finally, showers and bedtime. Makes me tired just to type it. So, with all my little monsters now in bed, I am writing this blog to help me recognize the humor in my crazy life, and trying to remember that even though I deny it most of the time..this is indeed what I signed up for, what I hoped for, the kind of life I wanted to live and the kind of mom I wanted to be...sass, snakes, pee and all.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

On the road again....

Many of you might not know this but the origins of this blog stem from our last Hutton family road trip. Summer 2008 the six of us headed east…two 30 somethings and 4 kids ranging in age from 8 to 3 (yes, you read that right) left Dallas for the beautiful city of Asheville in a teeny tiny suv with what we thought was a working dvd player..ha ha. It was, to say the least, completely fun, crazy, frustrating, exciting, exhausting and wonderful. Each night after most of us dropped into bed (or sleeping bag or floor or whatever) utterly exhausted, Ames would sit down at the laptop and recap our day's adventures or misadventures, and he would email them home to family and friends. Needless to say, they were hilarious and he was encouraged (thanks Sarah!) to continue chronicalling our vida loca. So, here we are again, except now it is spring break 09 (party on!!...woops, wrong decade) hitting the road on a multistate trip. We will call this one “Reach roadtrip” since technically we are traveling for educational purposes (thanks Mrs. Dyer!). Annie is doing a report on Laura Ingalls Wilder, hence our jaunt to Mansfield, Missouri, and Jack is reporting on Elvis, prompting our pilgrimage to Graceland. Day one has drawn to a close and the children are snuggled in our lovely motel. Coming soon are a few of the sights and sounds from our first day on the road(pictures to follow upon our return)...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Making Waves

Congratulations to Annie (and Anna and Brigitte) and the second place finish in the North Dallas Elementary Regional Science Fair! The project--which involved testing of beach erosion--was awarded second prize among all third grade submissions in the Earth Science category across seven school districts! What an amazing accomplishment! Pictures to follow...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My list... not nearly so exciting or well thought out as yours. But here goes...
Julia Roberts - walked by her exiting the law school (filming Pelican Brief) while I entered the library to study for finals.
Lenny Kravitz - sat on curb beside him outside Tipatina's inhaling his second hand "smoke"...nice!
Tom and Nicole - jogging in Audubon park (I was walking) while he was filming Interview with a Vampire.
Quentin Tarantino --was sitting just down from...
Lionel Richie at the Ivy in LA. (seriously lame sightings considering it was the weekend of the Golden Globes)
Tia Carrere - of Wayne's World fame (schwing) walking down the street in London.
Don Henley - might not count since we only talked on the phone a couple times a month. He was a client when I was a a former life.
George W. -- did we shake his hand at graduation? Anyway, he was the commencement speaker for HPHS class of '90...before he was gov or pres.
That's all for now. Have to check with Liza 'cause I think we saw someone else in London.

Ames' Top 11 Celebrity Sightings

Everyone has had their little brushes with fame, and I suppose we all have our own criteria about who is famous and what constitutes an actual celebrity sighting. I don't think it's quite fair to include people you went to school with (Hi Harrison! Hi Angie!) especially as they weren't really celebrities back in school. (Well, Angie became one while we were still in school, but...) Likewise for the local rock star (Hi Ken!) or former work colleague rocker ('Sup, Andrew?).
In any event, these become interesting cocktail party chatter or get-to-know-you type conversations.

Knowing that I'm probably leaving someone off, here is my personal Top 11 list of celebrity sightings, Letterman-style:

11. Oliver Stone. See number 1 below.

10. Lionel Ritchie. Cathy and I were eating at the Ivy in Los Angeles several years ago and saw the singer dining several tables away. No, he wasn't dancing on the ceiling, just eating. (Cathy claims that Quentin Tarantino was at the restaurant too, but I don't remember that. Maybe he'll make Cathy's list.)

9. Col. (Ret.) Oliver North. Not too long after his trial over the Iran Contra affair, I met Col. North at a W&L football game, where he was watching his son play for the Generals. I sat behind him at the game and spoke with him a little.

8. Coach Don Nelson. My most recent sighting; I saw the Coach at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans last month when the GS Warriors were checking in and I was getting ready to leave. He walked right by me and I couldn't hold back: "Hello, Coach, we miss you in Dallas!" After he finally realized I was talking to him, he said "Oh...thanks. Thanks a lot." and continued into the courtyard, where he fired up his stogie and read the newspaper.

7. Roger Staubach. Ordinarily, I'd put this much higher toward the top of this list. However, I don't remember it actually happening, even though Dad tells me that it did, and I've got an autographed picture of Roger Dodger from Culwell & Sons that I got when I met him. I'd like to meet him again so I can put the sighting closer to the top of my list.

6. Harvey Martin. Another great Cowboy of the 70's, I got his autograph when I ran into him at a park in Dallas. He wrote something next to his name and number that I've always remembered: "Nothing worthwhile comes easy."

5. Morgan Fairchild. This one is a bit of a stretch, but she made an impression at the time. Back in the 70's, my dad's business partner had a cousin (Bee Spears) in Willie Nelson's Family band. So the first concert I ever attended--2nd row, center stage at Reunion Arena as I recall--was opened by BB King and headlined by Willie Nelson. With Dad's connections, we got backstage passes and met much of the Family. We also got to visit one of the tour buses, and I was looking out the window at the other tour bus where I saw Morgan Fairchild! Hubba hubba. A thrill, even though I didn't get to meet her (or Willie Nelson, for that matter).

4. Jerry Jeff Walker. As long as we're on country singers, I've met JJW twice. Both in Lexington, VA; the first was when I helped "tear down" his set up for a concert at Zollman's and also helped recover his hat from my fool of a fraternity brother who had stolen it (hi Chad). A year or so later, I got to meet him again (much more sober this time) and recorded some promos from him for the campus radio station, WLUR.

3. Colt McCoy. I walked into a UT basketball game at the Drum with him last season (2008). He was very unassuming and polite; held the door for a lady in front of us and didn't attempt to draw attention to himself. Just a good ol' boy. (Honorable mention: I saw Ricky Williams several times on campus when I was in law school at UT but never had the nerve to speak to him.)

2. Ross Perot. When I was just a little guy, my dad used to take me to the barber shop on Saturday mornings, and I'd pick out a magazine from the rack and sit at Dad's feet, picking out words I could read for Dad and the barber. One morning when I was about 4 or 5, the man in the chair next to Dad commented on my age and reading, and then said to me: "Son, I've got a little software company. Come and see me when you need a job." Unfortunately--and probably unwisely--I have never attempted to take up Mr. Perot on his offer.

1. Tom Cruise: Back when I was a junior in high school, the movie Born on the Fourth of July was filmed, in large part, in Dallas. One of the opening scenes was a wrestling match involving Tom Cruise's character. As a high school wrestler of roughly his build, I was invited to try out for the part of his opponent (and, failing that, one of the other wrestlers in the scene). So one Saturday afternoon I headed over to Richland College to try out. After working out for about 30 minutes, I headed out in the hall to the water fountain. In the hall I ran into this short gentleman with a hat pulled down over his eyes walking into the wrestling room with a taller, more heavyset man with a scruffy beard. Yep, Tom Cruise and Oliver Stone. They were both polite if reserved. When I got back in the room, I was paired up with Tom Cruise and wrestled with him for a while. He was significantly shorter than I was at the time--I'd guess probably 5'7'' to my then 5'9''--and (I was told by the casting folks) I was too much bigger than him for the film. I was invited, however, to be in the crowd during the scene, but my football coach at the time did not see the potential upside to me missing (from the bench) a Friday night varsity high school football game to be in a movie!

So what celebrities have y'all sighted?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just when you think...

...that you are going to lose your mind. Two of your children are so tired, so beyond tired, that they can't even speak coherently...all they can do is cry and whine and scream and cry again. You cook a healthy, wonderful meal...but you your husband's fish is underdone and nobody likes your vegetables. You realize the slow, dull headache that has been creeping up the back of your skull is now a full blown, eye-crossing pain that leaves you unable to focus, be patient or even really care. That is when you need a little comic relief. That is when your oldest son, wise beyond his years, after eating his dinner without a word of complaint, disappears into another room and comes back this...

Ladies and Gentlemen....Elvis has entered the kitchen. Two things I know to be true....laughter is the best medicine...and timing is everything! Thanks Elvis!

God Bless Texas...

It was just another typical day here. The sun was shining in a cloudless blue sky. It was very warm,about 85 degrees, with just enough breeze to keep you cool but also quite enough to stir up the dry, dead grass and grey-black sand. The kids were all barefoot outside, striated with red, orange and purple lines on their arms and legs from delectable, sticky popsicles, long-ago devoured. Sarah and I sat under the quiet whirring of the ceiling fan enjoying an ice-cold glass of Pinot Grigio and listening to the rhythmic sound of the back door...banging open, slamming shut, banging open, slamming shut. We watched through the paned glass windows the endless parade of princesses, football stars, army men, superheroes, vikings, knights and villains as our children came in again and again for necessary costume changes emanating from the progressive dramatic storyline taking place outdoors. There were breaks for drinks, snacks, tattling, resolutions, apologies and the potty and then the action would resume. The filthy finger and toenails were a testament to the potions and concoctions being invented by the thespians and to the bare feet of all 8 kids. Yes, this was just another typical day among great friends...except for one tiny minute is FEBRUARY!!
God Bless Texas!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wine always pairs nicely with whine....

I love to cook. Always have. Before we had kids (ah, back in the day), I used to read Bon Appetit regularly and flag pages with recipes I wanted to try. Needless to say, Ames loved this phase in our lives, and I feel sure, he has missed those wonderful meals that have been replaced with chicken, french fries, frozen peas and pizza. Now that our kids are getting older and things are a bit more manageable (did I say that out loud???), I find it easier to cook again. I'm also always in the market for quick, healthy recipes to try. I have been daunted by the idea of hours in the kitchen when all I really have is a good twenty minutes to spare at best. I also get pretty sick and tired of cooking for little urchins who begin complaining about dinner before it is even on the in point tonight. Will walks into the kitchen post-bath and sees roasted tomatoes with homemade pesto waiting on a cookie sheet. In one long whining breath he says "ohmomyuckidon'tlikethatdowehavetoeatit?" Nice. Nothing like a little positive reinforcement in the workplace to make the worker bees feel like they are doing a good job. I must say, however, that once we sat down to eat our meal (Parmesan crusted pork tenderloin, almond rice pilaf and the aforementioned tomatoes), the kids did a pretty good job. There was actually a moment there where I thought to myself "I can do this...they are going to eat what I make!" Ames and I even reminisced about our days in Europe eating fresh pesto from Pesto, Italy and wonderful goat cheeses from the south of France....ah the good ol days! Tomorrow's meal of tilapia piccata and orzo with spinach and pine nuts should tell the tale. I will relish in my moment of glory tonight before the whining, refusing, cajoling, complaining begins anew. One of these days my kids are gonna thank me for exposing them to more than chicken and french fries...yea right. And we wonder, how is it we finish a bottle of wine each night at dinner....hmmmm!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tita!

Hope you have a great birthday!

Much love from Annie, Jack, Will, Sam, Cathy & Ames

Monday, February 16, 2009


I know, I haven't blogged in like, decades, but I'll fill you in on all that later. First I must tell you I'm in mourning. A tragedy occurred in the Hutton kitchen last night...a tragedy of gargantuan proportions. Now, I know all mother's think their children are beautiful, and rightly so! But, my children were blessed by the Almighty with the most beautiful hair on the planet! Especially the boys (isn't it always funny how He gives boys those things that women long for...long, thick eyelashes, beautiful natural curl in the hair, but I digress). I have always had a wee bit too much hubris over the boys' hair. It is different colors, textures, styles, but they all have this thick, gorgeous hair that just makes you want to run your fingers through it.....until this week. This week we were exposed to that infamous elementary school villain..the louse. Yes, lice invaded first grade at WRE and ultimately found its way into the fabulous locks of my Jack. We tried to treat by conventional methods..lice shampoo, combing, etc, but still, in all that thick, wonderful hair, it was just too hard. So, that brings us back to the tragedy of last night. Now, I must inform you that Ames has been lobbying to buzz the boys' heads for years. In fact, he has taken immense, perverse pleasure in brainwashing them into thinking that they actually wanted to have their heads shaved and look like little paramilitary street urchins. And last night, Ames got his way. I couldn't watch, couldn't see all those golden curls lying there, massacred on the floor of our kitchen, couldn't see the moment of regret in my children's eyes as they realized there was no going back. But, I did. I did go in the kitchen, and I did try to be supportive. Funny thing though, there was no glimmer of regret. Only laughter and joy. And Ames, instead of having to encourage the boys or calm their fears while they lost their hair instead, sat there saying to them "Isn't Mommy being brave?" To which they all sweetly replied, "Yes." I was brave. When the tears sprang into my eyes, I looked away. I stood there and smiled and told them all how handsome they are. And truly, they are. Oh yea, by the way, only Jack had to have the buzz, but because the boys want to do all things big brother does, the little ones waited patiently in line for their buzz too. So, here they are, the befores and the afters. I will be ok. Life will go on. I will look at this as a lesson in pride and try to remember not to put too much emphasis on those things that ultimately don't matter. And I will look forward to the day when that beautiful hair grows back in...of course by then it will be summer and the massacre will take place again.