Saturday, November 28, 2009


On Thanksgiving morning, I ran in my first Turkey Trot. Eight miles--farther than I'd ever run at one time before. I was lucky to start the very chilly run with a fun group: David, Allison and Angela.

I found myself alone by mile 5, which was a very tough mile. However, right after the turnaround point headed to the marker for mile 6, I saw a wonderful sight: my family, cheering me on. I was greeted with very loud cheers and awesome homemade signs.

This was the front of Will's sign: "You can Doo it Dad."
Luckily, at that point in the run, I just needed to pee.

This was the back of Will's sign.
Made me feel a little like Forrest Gump!

This was Jack's sign.
"Go Ames" -- I think he knew I couldn't chase him down at that point in the race!

All of the kids were very concerned before the race about whether or not I would win--they were sweetly convinced that I would win--at the end I think that we all were just glad that I finished in one piece!

And this was Annie's sign. Very creative!

Sam's sign contained secret messages that only he and I can decode.

All of this said, I was reminded on Thanksgiving, as I rounded the turn and saw my family waiting for me on the race route, cheering and waving their signs, how thankful I am to have such a wonderful family that supports me and loves me. I am truly blessed by my family and I appreciate all that they do to lift me up and love me! Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Be on the lookout...

If you are out on the soccer fields (as we always are this time of year), be on the lookout for.......

Lightning Sam!!!

He's fast, he's purple, his tongue is sticking out (his secret weapon)'s Lightning Sam!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Busy, busy, busy....

...should be our family mantra! Yet I'm always talking about cutting back and taking it easy, saying no and just chilling out. Is that even possible with four kids? Anyway, here is a little more of what we've been up to this fall.....

Will joined an elite and prestigious club....hey there toothless Joe!

Halloween was a little scary this year! Yikes, what happened to fairy princesses and football players! :)

....and then it got scarier!

And then even scarier!!! Sorry I blocked you with my "Y", babe. Guess I got caught up in the moment....or maybe I was distracted by the short shorts...raowr! :)

The annual Kindergarten trip to the Arboretum...and a cute photo op for Willie G and me!

More to come....

School Daze....

It has been years since I posted anything...well maybe not years but a really, really long time. So much has transpired since then that it just makes sense to start fresh. The fall has flown by at lightning speed...I'm convinced October is the shortest month of the year! And, as we quickly approach Thanksgiving next week, I thought I'd share the things I'm most thankful for!

I can't believe I have 3 in school! They love it and that makes me a happy mama!

...and our future seahawk will be there next fall! (hopefully not wearing those socks!)

Could they get any dirtier!! God bless Oxy Clean!

My baby girl...not so little anymore! Wow she is growing up fast....but isn't she breathtaking!

Last but not least, I am truly thankful for their awesome daddy! You rock, babe!

WOW it's a crazy, busy, roller-coaster of a much to be thankful for!