Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just when you think...

...that you are going to lose your mind. Two of your children are so tired, so beyond tired, that they can't even speak coherently...all they can do is cry and whine and scream and cry again. You cook a healthy, wonderful meal...but you your husband's fish is underdone and nobody likes your vegetables. You realize the slow, dull headache that has been creeping up the back of your skull is now a full blown, eye-crossing pain that leaves you unable to focus, be patient or even really care. That is when you need a little comic relief. That is when your oldest son, wise beyond his years, after eating his dinner without a word of complaint, disappears into another room and comes back this...

Ladies and Gentlemen....Elvis has entered the kitchen. Two things I know to be true....laughter is the best medicine...and timing is everything! Thanks Elvis!

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