Monday, February 16, 2009


I know, I haven't blogged in like, decades, but I'll fill you in on all that later. First I must tell you I'm in mourning. A tragedy occurred in the Hutton kitchen last night...a tragedy of gargantuan proportions. Now, I know all mother's think their children are beautiful, and rightly so! But, my children were blessed by the Almighty with the most beautiful hair on the planet! Especially the boys (isn't it always funny how He gives boys those things that women long for...long, thick eyelashes, beautiful natural curl in the hair, but I digress). I have always had a wee bit too much hubris over the boys' hair. It is different colors, textures, styles, but they all have this thick, gorgeous hair that just makes you want to run your fingers through it.....until this week. This week we were exposed to that infamous elementary school villain..the louse. Yes, lice invaded first grade at WRE and ultimately found its way into the fabulous locks of my Jack. We tried to treat by conventional methods..lice shampoo, combing, etc, but still, in all that thick, wonderful hair, it was just too hard. So, that brings us back to the tragedy of last night. Now, I must inform you that Ames has been lobbying to buzz the boys' heads for years. In fact, he has taken immense, perverse pleasure in brainwashing them into thinking that they actually wanted to have their heads shaved and look like little paramilitary street urchins. And last night, Ames got his way. I couldn't watch, couldn't see all those golden curls lying there, massacred on the floor of our kitchen, couldn't see the moment of regret in my children's eyes as they realized there was no going back. But, I did. I did go in the kitchen, and I did try to be supportive. Funny thing though, there was no glimmer of regret. Only laughter and joy. And Ames, instead of having to encourage the boys or calm their fears while they lost their hair instead, sat there saying to them "Isn't Mommy being brave?" To which they all sweetly replied, "Yes." I was brave. When the tears sprang into my eyes, I looked away. I stood there and smiled and told them all how handsome they are. And truly, they are. Oh yea, by the way, only Jack had to have the buzz, but because the boys want to do all things big brother does, the little ones waited patiently in line for their buzz too. So, here they are, the befores and the afters. I will be ok. Life will go on. I will look at this as a lesson in pride and try to remember not to put too much emphasis on those things that ultimately don't matter. And I will look forward to the day when that beautiful hair grows back in...of course by then it will be summer and the massacre will take place again.

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