Thursday, January 22, 2009

Change is Afoot at the Huttons...

OK, so you 3 or so faithful readers out there have probably noticed a drop-off in our blogging over the past week or so. A few reasons for that:

We're currently back in 1985 at our house as we are without our latest addiction, AT&T U-verse, which means no TV (gasp! Lost started last night!) and more importantly, no computer. Our friend Miguel and his great crew are working at the house doing some much needed repairs and cosmetic changes (did you know there was such a color as San Francisco Bay? I didn't until earlier this's blue, apparently), but that involved disconnecting the U-verse brain and thus we're without TV and the 'puter. It was funny last night trying to watch Lost on the 11 inch TV that we inherited from my parents which had its first life in my sister's room in high school!

We're also having a huge pecan removed from in front of our house today. Not the expense I wanted to have right now, but I figured that (as it's got some slow decay running into the trunk) it was probably cheaper to have it removed this way than from the top of our neighbors' house! (Hi Dennis and Erin! And Maya!)

Not that anyone will notice, but we also had a roofer (Hi Bret!) out earlier this month to fix a "gash" in the roof right above Annie's room (which necessitated Miguel's internal repairs). So we've had a busy month so far at the Hutton house--just our way of trying to jump-start the local economy!

I'll try to update as I can with pics of the developments--stay tuned!

Oh yeah, one more thing. If anyone was keeping track (Hi Kyle!) of my progress on the Rocket Resolution, you may have noticed that I didn't update the widget on the right side of the page over the past 10 days. Long story short: I hurt my shoulder, tried to rest it by slowing down but ultimately had to give myself about a week off, but am getting back in the saddle effective today. Was able to do about 50 yesterday without problems, so I'll be working my way back up to 100 per. And I hope--before the end of the year--to make up those I've missed between 1/12 and today. Kudos to Kyle who is still cranking them out...and I understand that our friend Jason T. is on the bandwagon as well. Congrats and keep it up, guys!

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