Thursday, March 26, 2009

Techno-Challenge (alt. title, "Being Dragged Kicking and Screaming into the 21st Century")

This morning I was sitting in front of ESPN Sports Center after my run, and Annie came in to join me for a little snuggle and quiet time. She was paying attention to what was on the TV--I was so proud when she identified Mike and Mike as the radio show I listen to in the mornings on the way to school--and eventually asked me, in response to something she saw, "What is Twitter?"

I struggled to explain it, because I don't really understand it myself, but finally came up with an explanation that satisfied Annie but not me: it's like a lot of little blogs that describe what people are doing throughout the day. Since I recognize that she and the boys will soon surpass my technological know-how*, I figured that I need to try to keep ahead of her, at least while she's in elementary school! So today I tried Twitter for the first time. Will be an experiment--I've not been so good recently with the blog, will see if Twitter is any easier or if it is more trouble than it's worth.

* I had to laugh earlier this week when a mom I know was trying to find her husband's e-mail address on her iPhone, and she ended up handing it to her 3rd grader for help! That day is coming for all of us!


Cat said...

I'll probably regret actually publishing this, but Twitter stinks! It seems to me just another way we are completely losing the ability to communicate properly with other people. Isn't it bad enough that we have an entire "new" language just for texting and that it encourages our kids to abbreviate everything rather than using the English language as it was intended. I worry for the future of prose, poetry and good old-fashioned face to face conversations!! Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. And no, I'm not 90, I just think that way.

Cat said...
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