Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Annus Mirabilis and the Rocket Resolution

Happy New Year to everyone! It is my wish that your 2009 is--like our 2008 was--an Annus Mirabilis.

Our "extraordinary year" in 2008 began with Kohler's disease which cut short Jack's first basketball season; continued in Bear Lodge and the kids' first skiing experience in Angel Fire; made a stop in pre-Ike Galveston over spring break; finished a great school year including a graduation from kindergarten; included the trip to Asheville, the updates from which were the genesis of this blog; moved into another school year and our first (of many!) seasons following four different soccer teams; and many other adventures, great and small, along the way.

We have an ordinary life--albeit fun, crazy, exciting and wonderful--which is filled with people, events, traditions, and beliefs that make it extraordinary. Thank you to each and every one of you who contribute to and are a special part of the Huttons' life! And thank you for our Annus Mirabilis!

Oh yeah, one more thing: the Rocket Resolution. To make a long story short (I'll flesh it out later), a resolution I'm making this year is to do 100 pushups every day in 2009. So I would appreciate any and all positive reinforcement to make sure I meet my goal of 36,500 pushups this year! Happy New Year!

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