Thursday, December 18, 2008

A moment in time....

This may seem silly to most, but to me captured a precious moment in time. We decided to eat dinner in the den, in front of the Muppet Christmas movie (not the same as when we were kids, but the closest my 4 have been to the sad, what happened to the Muppets?). We had the oh so delicious and nutritious dinner of taquitos and nachos which my kiddos love. Seconds were called for and Ames put in another pan of nachos. When they came out of the oven, he called all 4 kids into the kitchen to wait for their helpings and they stood, just like this.. little stair steps

....(not for long, poor Annie is doomed to be dwarfed by 3 big boys) all in a row waiting for daddy's delicious nachos. These are the pictures I need to remember when they are driving me CRAZY, running thru the house like wildfire with volume turned up high after way too much Christmas sugar! These are the moments I will miss all too soon. I know someday I'll miss the hot wheels cars under my feet every where I step, the stinky socks and muddy shoes in every room of the house, the wet towels and dirty clothes left in the floor of my room, and much much more. But most of all, I know I'll miss the precious stair steps, waiting patiently for seconds of nachos, eating dinner in the den and watching (and completely enthralled by) the Muppet Christmas movie.

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