Friday, December 19, 2008


..are a fantastic invention. They allow you to have a little privacy in your musical enjoyment and allow others to have a little peace while you listen. We don't all like the same kinds of music, and headphones are a great solution to many an artistic disagreement. Whoever invented the headphones for the car..... a genius! How great that I can listen to my music and the kids can listen to theirs, and never the two shall meet. Except, like all other electronic devices, my kids are more fascinated with the gadget than they are concerned with its functionality. Hence today, while running errands, even tho we were all listening to the same Christmas carols on a CD, the boys insisted on taking turns wearing the headphones. Now, this doesn't bother me. They worked out the sharing system all on their own and it was going quite nicely. My only complaint, that we had to listen to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer over and over and over. The humorous part of the story lies in the volume analysis. We were "that car"...that car that you pull up next to at the stoplight and can't help but look at because it is vibrating!! "That car" where the bass is so high and the volume so loud that you can actually feel the beat of the other car inside your know, you've been there, too. Except herein lies the difference, we didn't have the bass up and we didn't blast it out in need. I have Will. Will, wearing the headphones, sang Rudolph loudly and proudly. In fact, you could even say he screamed. LOUDLY and proudly. So much so that I worried for the hearing loss of my youngest, Sam. Will sang with such gusto that he literally shook the car. He sang so that he could hear the music in his headphones and still hear himself above it all. Now those of you who know Will, know that volume control is not his forte, but this surpassed anything you have ever witnessed. As we drove down the street vibrating and pulsating to the beat, people could feel our Christmas spirit. And when we stopped at every stoplight, people turned and stared. I'm sure they thought --Bad mother listening to her music so loud with those babies in the car!! No, no....just a little Willie Christmas cheer. So, if you see me later today and I ask you to repeat yourself, or I shout my answer back at you, don't worry. I just have a little leftover Rudolph damage to the eardrums. Merry Christmas!!

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