Sunday, December 28, 2008

Boys will be boys....

The day is winding down, the children are getting ready for bed, and mommy and daddy are fully in the throes of the bedtime routine. As I walked down the hall I heard an all too common phrase in the Hutton house at this hour. Now first, I must remind you, Annie and I are extremely outnumbered. There is way too much testosterone in this house...sometimes the aroma of manliness (and by this I mean locker-room stink) is overwhelming. But as I was saying, the phrase. The phrase I hear daily when it is bath or shower time....the phrase "get your hands off your penis." Now, I understand the male obsession with their most prized possesion. However, I didn't know until I became a mother that it started this young!! As babies and toddlers they grab, pull, poke and prod until you worry for the possibility of future generations...I mean, there has to be permanent damage! And then, there is the stance. Standing still, listening intently to you, or watching a show or just staring off into space....standing there, with their hand down their pants. Completely unaware that they are even touching anything. Just as shocked as you are when you point out "hey buddy, you wanna get your hands out of your pants?"....they look confused and bewildered about how that hand got there in the first place. It just happens. But in the shower, I guess the temptation is just too great. It is obviously right there so why not grab it. So, get your hands off your penis has become part of my daily vernacular. I guess my friend Sarah is right. All men are really just 6 year old boys in larger packages...I just didn't know the obsession with those packages started quite so early!

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