Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lucky 21

Twenty-one years ago tonight, I had my first ever date with the love of my life--my wife, Cathy. We were sophmores in high school, we went to see Cinderella (I was so romantic then) and then went to a Christmas party. I was lucky then and remain lucky now to have such a wonderful, loving, blind-to-my-many-faults, patient, beautiful woman be a part of my life and the mother of our children. While it may say something about her judge of character that she accepted my plea to go on that first date, I am glad that she said yes then...and again 7 years later to marry me...and that she's still with me tonight.

Cat--I love you now and always will.

1 comment:

Cat said...

right back atcha, babe!! the most amazing thing about marrying your best friend is the laughter. no matter what happens, happy or sad, rough or easy, you can always make me smile. that is the best and most priceless gift you can give me--next to those four precious babies, of course--unless you are going to Tiffany's this Christmas and then it's a whole different ball game! :)